400 Wineries gathered in one place to celebrate the rich past, present and future of wine making and provide samples for a thirsty public ---trade/media and otherwise. Entering was a little overwhelming as tables filled the Festival Pavilion at Fort Mason all laden with offerings from the dedicated wine professionals who harness their passion and drive to create diverse wines. All things wine A - Z from Abundance Chardonnay to Zenaida Zinfandel. I did not pace myself and instead flung headlong into tasting with no rhyme or reason. However, this was one of those events. where you simply could not go wrong. Except in not reading that there would be no concession area and in skipping lunch. It could have been so very tragic...Except my saviours the
Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board and
Columbo Baking Company were there serving up
all the cheese you could eat!!! With a deal like that, who needed concessions? Standouts for me:
Twisted Oak Petite Syrah
Ackerman Family Vineyards Cab Sauv (Napa. YUM!)
C.G. di Arie Barbera
Chasseur Pinot Noir (PS: Chasseur = hunter... Chaussure = shoe)
Siduri Pinot Noir
Small Vines Pinot Noir (Delightfully Burgundian!)
Yorkville Cab Sauv
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