02 November, 2011

Wine and Food Affair to Remember - #wfa11

Xandria and I have a terrible track record of managing not to attend this event.  By the time you read this the tickets will likely be sold out.  You can try here.  I am happy to report, we have tickets, a driver and are mapping our route and looking forward to tweeting our adventures at #wfa11and reading about yours!

Some Must Sees:
Route 128, Geyserville : Divine Viognier and famly made treats.  This year pollen and pork
Bella: Consistently best ambiance and tasty Zins! Lily Hill!
Mounts Family Winery: Lana's hospitality or yummy wines (Malbec and Rose and Zin! Oh my!) hard to decide which will be sunnier, rain or shine!
Windsor Oaks: Maine Lobster Chardonnay Bisque with Meyer Lemon Oil” 'Nuf said. Yum!
Ridge:  Perennially delicious wines year after year.  Who can resist?  And more importantly, why would you try?
And then the accidental finds and walking distance venues in downtown HBG, etc., etc...

Batten down the hatches, Wine Road, we are on our way!  See you Saturday! Yay!

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