02 November, 2016

Boozy Frozen Sabayon

Frozen Sabayon paired with Dessert Wine

When I have people over, I love making home made ice cream.  It's easy to make in advance and adds a special touch.  I can try exotic options like Rose Petal, Heritage Peach, Dried Cherry and Port, the list goes on.

My go-to ice cream base takes two days to make, what with the custard making, base chilling, etc, so I  experimented with a quicker recipe that lets me go from cravings to savorings in about an hour.

The hardest step of this recipe is tempering the eggs, which requires beating the yolks over a double boiler enough to make them safe but taking care to prevent scrambling.  This step is a pain but necessary as home made ice cream can present a Salmonella risk otherwise.  More about that here

At this summer's International Food Blogger Conference, I met the great team from Davidson's Safest Choice Eggs.  Their wonderful product makes my recipe easier, safer and faster. Now I have more time to come up with cool flavors.  One of my favorites is adding a white dessert wine and Tawny port, so a natural food pair is made when you serve the dessert with the remaining wine.  The alcohol helps keep the texture of the gelato super soft

Frozen Sabayon
6 Davidson's Safest Choice Egg yolks
6 tablespoons sugar separated into 2 tbs and 4 tbs
1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp (separated)  sweet white dessert wine like Sauternes or Late Harvest Sauvignon Blanc
1 tbsp tawny port (you could also use an orange liqueur if you want to bring up orange notes)
1 tsp finely chopped orange zest
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream

Beat 6 eggs yolks with 2 tbs sugar with an electric mixer until the mixture is pale yellow and very thick...about 4-5 minutes. Whisking vigorously with a wire whisk, add the 1/4 cup of wine  into the egg yolk. Then add, the orange zest and the remaining wine as well as the port.  Add the liquor slowly while whisking continuously.  When the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon it is done.

In separate bowl, whip cream into soft peaks. Add remaining sugar and continue beating until well mixed but stop before the cream gets too stiff or turns to butter. Once sugar is mixed in, fold in sabayon. Once the two mixtures are loosely incorporated, pour into ice cream maker and process according to manufacturers direction. I usually take it out of the ice cream maker at a soft stage and place it in a freezer container to set.  The texture will be softer than commercial ice cream.

Use the leftover Davidson's Safest Choice Egg whites to make meringues.  For an exotic flavor already in your pantry flavored them with Cracked Black Pepper.  These are easy, fun treats and you can have 100% confidence they are as safe as they are tasty.

I am posting this as an entry for a Davidson's Safest Choice Egg recipe contest that has a $4,000 prize, but I already feel like a winner with even more food safety and time savings when I make my boozy gelati!

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